Metal bunk beds are commonly used in the rooms of kids and teenagers. They provides a sense of style as well as a feel of sturdiness and durability. These metal bed designs are similar to those made of wood and plastic, but the metallic color gives it an edge over its counterparts.
Metal Bunk beds with guard rails
These metal bed designs are generally used for smaller children and as such the guard rails provide protection and is safe guard for falling. The beds that are usually associated with this design are twin beds and is often made with a twin over twin style. This means that there will be two twin beds, but only the top one will often carry the rails.
Twin over twin Bunk beds
These metal bed design are the most common and most times they are made without the guard rails as mentioned in the aforementioned style. The metal for these beds are sometimes painted and can actually be any color to match the interior decorating of any child's room. However, you will most often see them in metallic silver, blue, black and white.
Twin over Futon Bunk Beds
This type of bed is not only found in the metallic type but also in wood and maybe plastic. This design includes a twin bed for the top bunk and something that resembles a sofa on the bottom. This is often used for one child, but it is a convenient way to have both a bed and a sofa in one section of the room which leaves a lot more space for your child creativity.
The cool thing about metal bunk bed designs is that they have many styles that could be used for children and even a young adult. It provides a grown up look in any apartment and is a great space saver for any room.